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Fresh Talent and Half-Salary: A Winning Combination at Wipro, Insights from Saurabh Govil

Fresh Talent and Half-Salary: A Winning Combination at Wipro, Insights from Saurabh Govil

Wipro’s Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), Saurabh Govil, recently shared insights into the company’s innovative approach to fresher recruitment. According to Govil, a remarkable 92 percent of fresh graduates willingly chose to join Wipro at a reduced salary to expedite their onboarding process. This decision was made with a strong emphasis on transparency, allowing candidates to either accept the lower compensation or wait for their initial package.

Govil highlighted the unique situation where Wipro had recruited candidates under the Velocity program but didn’t have an immediate requirement for them. In response, the company offered candidates the choice to join at a lower salary, and a staggering 92 percent of them eagerly embraced this option to kickstart their careers.

He clarified that Wipro had not cut anyone’s salary but instead offered a different onboarding path. Candidates initially hired at Rs 3.5 lakh were later trained extensively to become full-stack engineers, with the promise of an increased salary of Rs 6.5 lakh upon completion of training and assessments.

Addressing the criticism surrounding this move, Govil expressed his confusion, stating that such assessments have been a norm for years. He emphasized that the training period allows candidates to develop the necessary skills before taking on real work responsibilities. He also mentioned that the company invested Rs 30,000 in training each candidate before formal employment, demonstrating Wipro’s commitment to their development.

Fresh Talent and Half-Salary: A Winning Combination at Wipro, Insights from Saurabh Govil

Furthermore, Govil responded to the ongoing discussions about fresher onboarding delays across the industry. He asserted that Wipro’s approach was both honest and equitable, and the company faced unwarranted targeting. In fact, Wipro proactively communicated with candidates about the salary adjustment, acknowledging the challenging demand environment, margin pressures, and recessionary concerns that had influenced the decision.

In conclusion, Saurabh Govil’s statements shed light on Wipro’s unconventional yet transparent approach to fresh graduate recruitment. The company’s willingness to offer candidates options and invest in their training reflects its commitment to nurturing talent and adapting to evolving industry dynamics.

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